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The Sanctuary Charitable Trust
"To inspire and empower human potential."

We help people thrive.

The Sanctuary Charitable Trust was founded after a collective call for action to empower changes not only in our own personal wellbeing but also in our collective community. Sustainable communities are built by creating conscious connection and collaboration with groups of individuals.


Our main focus is to offer a range of holistic, educational, wellbeing and support services. These services will encourage individuals, groups and businesses to live in a healthier, balanced, unified and knowledgeable way. We encourage and develop deeper interpersonal connections, collaboration, compassion, confidence and trust.


Our services are aligned with Te Ao Maori, a holistic view of health and wellbeing, known as hauora. It comprises taha tinana (physical well-being), taha hinengaro (mental and emotional well-being), taha whanau (social well-being), and taha wairua (spiritual well-being) Our connection with the whenua/land forms the foundation.

When all these things are in balance, we thrive. When one or more of these is out of balance our wellbeing is impacted.


Our aim is to offer our services at a subsidised cost, to those struggling in the community who otherwise would not have access. To achieve this we will need financial assistance through fundraising, grants, donations and sponsorship. 


The Trust office is located on a beautiful ten-acre property nestled in Fernside, North Canterbury, New Zealand.  


Our Services


Wellbeing services & consultations

We are here to help, guide and support you with a wide range of  wholistic services. This means we see you as a whole person and will respect and treat you as such. 



Workshops, courses & retreats

Transform yourself to your highest potential. We run a wide range of events throughout the year. We can customise events to suit the requirements  of your group or business.


Support groups

Support groups are a gentle but powerful way to seek help, advice and guidance. These are facilitated events for people who have common challenges in life.



The Sanctuary Charitable Trust's vision is “To Inspire and Empower Human Potential.” To achieve our vision we offer a range of educational, wellbeing and support services to encourage individuals, groups and communities to live in a healthier, balanced, unified and knowledgeable way. We encourage and develop deeper interpersonal connections, collaboration,  compassion, confidence and trust in all we do.

"To inspire and empower human potential."

638 Oxford Road, Fernside 

RD1 Rangiora 7471



Services & Operations:

Jonny: 022 658 1661


Trust Business Enquiries:

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Charitable Trust will allow us to offer our services to a greater
range of individuals, families and


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